i am a serial 're-painter', along with many other obsessions- moving furniture as i go to put the kids to bed- entire rooms of it & re-writing all the days lists i've scribbled onto one big list next to my bed.....but i see these as lovely and well...healthy vices.......the husband may feel differently.......
if a sofa catches the winter sunshine, has a perfect view of the tele & is next to the growing pile of saturdays 'Gaurdian' - why move it?
all totally irrelevant to me on the way upstairs....if a sofa needs moving i feel move it as the idea strikes...
so....this is how i approach serial re-painting- a piece of furniture needs at least a few good layers to really have a story to tell....
the pieces we have in storage in australia are all happily 'resting' out of my reach- but i see an image like this and i'm on the hunt again....the local op-shops & any un-touched wooden stools in the house are getting revamped tomorrow!