....... i'm up to my zillionth tea....& am thinking about my very loved & very old sewing machine.........

....i think today was her last day to guide me through the piles of material we have collected over the years..

....so i thought i would show you what we have just finished making together......

{if anyone knows what you do with a beloved 'machine', that has been with you since your wedding day- yes she was a present from my folks- then please let me know!}

...if she was a puppy that had become a loyal & faithful dog we would cry, would we not- i know this as i have seen 'marley & me' approimately 2,300 times...

...& if she was an old car we would trade her in, whilst reminising about all the 'good old' days, the family trips & the kids junk that had practically become part of the floor...

...but its just a machine.....not so good looking, but loyal....not soo chatty, but more hummy & just well..friendly.....a giver not a taker!

....so this is some of the 'many' creative things we shared together...& made together in her last days........

...& look what arrived addressed to the 2 of us today..........she would have loved it.......
