One of the Christmas gifts that our family got this year was an XBox 360 with a Kinect (thanks to generous contributions from Grandma P, Aunt H, and a wonderful deal at WalMart!). I am fully trying to push our family to "Move More, Eat Less" this year... so what better way to do it than to play a rousing round of Dance Central (thanks to Old Navy for this one!)? So, Haley trying to get her groove on. (Reed was doing the freestyle part with her too.) They're not so good at all, but they sure look cute doing it... and their moving tons so it totally counts!

And yes, our Christmas decorations are still up. We were gone last week and haven't had a chance. We're working on it, and know that at least our real "dead" tree has to be on the curb Saturday morning for the scout pickup... but if we leave everything else up long enough, then we won't have to decorate this Christmas. See... there's definitely a method to my madness.

And on a side note, we went to our first orthodontists appointment yesterday. Luke and Chad will be getting braces in the next two months... and we are lucky enough to have a great friend who is willing to work with us and set up a great payment plan. Watch for upcoming photos of my two "brace-faces"! I am so excited about this! They are not... but I am just happy that we are able to do it... so it totally counts!