easter is pretty special in our house...
we had our first daughter on an easter monday...
no easter can compare to that one...
our house is often hosting a party over easter...
& i am in the thick of those plans with bodering-on-teen-about-to-be-13 now....
more on party central another day...

today i am just wanting to share our easter tree...
someone in my family...somewhere...has painted a beautiful branch tree white for easter or christmas for as long as i can remember...
i have been storing our christmas branch in the garage since december & have given it a lick of fresh white house paint...
this was a project i was going to share with the kiddos...
but the glue...the bits...the sticky-ness of it all was not exactly child friendly!
i decided to wrap little lovely french  fabric squares over some fairly ugly cheapo  mainstream pastel eggs...
they had glitter on them...
it was not easy...
it was sticky & glittery & frustrating time consuming...
but they are now so L.O.V.E.L.Y....

one for each of our kiddos...
& one each for my gorgeous nieces who will be arriving from australia to stay with us very soon :)
it took miss.audrey all of a minute to try & peel hers once i'd put it on the tree...
six year olds do not see the point of vintage pretty eggs that have absolutely NOTHING to do with chocolate...hmmmm

i had randomly cut circles {can you see the egg link audrey?} & squares out of old vintage scraps...
it took a few minutes {for anyone i promise you!} to roughly sew them in little rows...
remember to leave enough cotton at the top of your stitching to make a little tie to hang it on the tree...

i then glued some old cotton lace to the tops of the snuggly wrapped little eggs...
yep...believe me it is best to add this lace after the eggs have dried...
man...that glue & fabric squares- what a combination...

little lovely up-cycled eggs
shapes of vintage fabric scraps
a garden branch
what could be simpler
{yeah...no glue!}

a heavenly easter project
made with patience love for my family
go grab a branch & a bag of cheapy eggs 

happy easter inspiration


more inspiration can be found at these gorgeous blogs....
grab a pot of tea & wander for a while...


