Adding bright, cool colours to a teens bedroom does not have to be gaudy and overbearing to the rest of the house but can actually compliment it. Furthermore, by listening to your teenager and discovering what their favourite colours are plus interests and ambitions, a haven for expression and creativity can be theirs.
Hanging ceiling lights can add a modern look with dangling chrome, paper-mache or glass fixtures. Make sure that they are placed close to walls, possibly hanging over a night-stand. Task lighting on the work desk comes in many attractive styles. A white goose-neck table lamp is a good choice for being able to redirect light to critical areas.
Duvet cover sets in cool colours are also easy to coordinate with the décor and style. Don't forget to have spare sets available for when friends stay over unexpectedly!
Leave the wall space open for a while and let your teen suggest a subject of interest after having a chance to reach their comfort zone. You may be surprised to find that your growing child has an interest in astrology, swimming, art, or a host of other subjects that you were never aware of. Complete the room with framed pictures of interest. Now your teens cool room is complete.
Image: Finishing Touches