I have LOTS more pictures, these are only the ones from my camera. Have to find D's camera and figure out how to get ALL of them off my phone, and then I will post more!!!
(some of) Our California adventure...
Let the adventure begin! It started with the drive. Oh, how much I love this drive... NOT!!! D had been working CRAZY all the week before and actually came home at 6:45 in the morning on the day we were supposed to drive, so Uncle Bob decided that he would do the driving. There's something to having your own personal chauffer. I could get used to it!
There were 53-ish of us in the house for the week. People were sleeping anywhere and everywhere.

Family night up on the sport court. Discussing the schedule and rules for Huck Camp and then watching a movie on a big, blow-up screen. We loved our "drive-in" movie theatre!

4th of July flag raising and ceremony with some of our Scouts. Led off our day of Huck Olympics.
Our own version of the "Naked Chef", Corey, working on our lunch. Every family had assigned meals and it worked out great!
Next day, Disneyland! In line to see Star Tours... one of the many times!
Next day was beach day. Some of us had to stay home to do some work though. Here is Grandpa and Jon watching a short of what D is working on right now.

Day at Universal Studios and City Walk. Kids really enjoyed City Walk.
Dodger Game... Dodgers won! What can I say... Huckvales bring good luck!
Cute GRANDpa and GRANDma!!!
Our family headed to Legoland when Huck Camp was over.

And we visited with some of my family too... the kids doing chores at Uncle Billy's house with my second cousin, Alex.