You must keep positive energy in your living room by keeping it clutter free, clean and well ventilated. Your living room should also make you feel 'at home', happy and contented. If you live on a busy street or housing estate you could use net curtains or vertical blinds as part of your window dressing, either of these window dressing will allow plenty of natural light to enter your room and also provide you with the privacy you need to feel relaxed and content.
A large oval mirror over a fireplace or will capture the energy before it has a chance to escape through the opening and a crystal hung from the ceiling in a corner that seems to gather an unhealthy feeling will chase away the gloom. Present loving photos on the walls encased in metal, silver or gold frames that accentuate the emptiness of a bare wall. Prints of botanicals, flowers or nature scenes will keep the flow of nature abounding.
Candles, rock formations or metal artistic displays are also great ideas for creating a balanced chi. If you are looking for a metal sculpture or crystal piece, make sure that there are no sharp edges that will block energy.
Image: Feng Shui Decoration Tips