As your kitchen is the aspect of feng shui which feeds and nourishes your home, and is also associated with prosperity and wealth try not to have your back door included in the kitchen as the feng shui energy will be able to freely escape.
Yellow is an ideal colour for a feng shui kitchen as it will help aid digestion. Opt for yellow tones which are associated with food, such as butter or squash yellow. Keep gadgets to a bare minimum and ensure your kitchen is as light and airy as possible.
Because the kitchen is already balanced by location, placement of fire and water, it is simple to expand with your own loving touches of personal items. Remember not to block windows with any heavy materials, vertical blinds or net curtains would be ideal and stay away from marble or other cold stone floors that take away from your sense of warmth. Wood or linoleum floor coverings are good for keeping the temperature accurate and pleasing on your feet. Lastly, keep grease and grime off cabinets and other surfaces to help keep your kitchen healthy and full of energy.
Image: Open Spaces Feng Shui blog