Although some of these tips may sound a little unusual for your taste, there are reasons why they exist. Feng shui goes a lot deeper than just decorating. It is an art of stability, security, pleasure and fortune that needs to be respected for the centuries since its inception. Try out a few of these tips I'll be posting throughout this month and you may just find yourself searching for more knowledge on the subject and take a different perspective on the way your interior design style suits your home!
A balanced Chi energy throughout your living space is the even flow of air and traffic. If air is confined to one room, the energy is stifled. Wide-open spaces with good circulation of natural free-flowing air are the best way to keep the energy moving.
Open your windows and let the fresh air as often as you can. If you want or need privacy vertical blinds or simple net curtains will let the air circulate and prevent prying eyes from peeking inside your home. If you are unable to create natural air, make sure all of your ductwork is clean and filtered with no blockages.
Image: patriciagrayinc.blogspot