warm & lovely...it's what we beach-reared-country-living kids know...
& it doesn't get much better than this...
died & gone to heaven kinda lovely...
warm water...warm air...clear blue skies...
the patina of greek architecture...
oh how i so love these buildings...
simple, square, aged, perfect...
deep set windows, smooth tiled floors...
a cool retreat from the endless sunshine...
i'm sure a little part of our soul relates to the greek way...
to the fauna & the flowers, the types of plants we know from home...
the drama & strength of a gorgeously pink bougainvillea...
the dry thorny growth along the waters edge...
stones- smooth & endless under foot...
why does seeing your kids barefoot along the waters edge feel so right...
devoid of any electronic gadgets, computers, phones, toys...
just good old-fashioned wandering...constant teasing & giggling...stories...smiles...
kids niggle one another less when thrown outside & in the thick of nature & life...
i have endless proof of this-believe me!
our kiddos were born & bred into a life outside on the beaches of sydney...
beach towels...open front doors...sandy feet...life outside...
it took some adjusting to manage a day to day life indoors when we first made the move to ol'blighty...
& in winter they still need a daily dose of the outdoors to keep us all on track...
a daily dose of nature, light & sunshine...my answer to everything...
L.O.V.E is
an old wall...weathered & white...
& L.O.V.E is...
a perfectly square, turquoise trimmed house, wrapped in a simple sun-catching clothes line...& L.O.V.E is
taking our gorgeous gypsies around the world
down cobbled alleyways
in picture perfect greek village
on wandering hillsides
we're back to the reality of post-holiday organising...
school starts next week...
life rolls on..
so amongst the weekend sports
helping friends move house
a fancy dress party for us big kids
{it's been a veeerey long time, believe me, since the last one!!}
seeing the movie to one of my all time fave reads
"One Day"
i will have one of the kiddos draw a special gal's name outa the greek pot
for my ruffly bag give away & a bit of seriously gorgeous greek soap
it's lovely to be back here