The emphasis remains firmly on renewable energy sources, with wind turbines and solar energy being one of the most talked about topics as winter arrives and everyone reaches for their central heating thermostats!
One of this season trends within exterior and interior design is to use solar in a beautiful way. Solar panels on roofs are far from beautiful however functional and energy saving they may be, yet the use of solar energy is being seen inside our homes using innovative designs from solar plant pots to the latest solar Ipads and functional lighting without having solar panels installed on your roof.
You can also find solar energy being used on window blinds and curtain rails. Small solar panels can be used to project images onto blinds when they are closed, along with small solar packs which store energy to light the end finials of curtain poles and rails. Both of these ideas are free to use, so if you like the thought of free energy to create ambient lighting in your home window blinds and solar plant pots may be the way forward for you!
You should also look out for the latest window blinds which help to prevent valuable heat from escaping via your windows – another potential way of energy saving which is both affordable and functional.
Image: Freshome