Just as an explanation for the misspelled seven, please tell me you have heard of the movie Se7en with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman? I love that movie and if you haven't seen it, rent it now.

OH! Happy Plaidurday! I saw on another blog that today was Plaidurday, meaning to wear Plaid (makes sense). Thank God I put a plaid in my 30 for 30 or I would have missed out on the fun!

Anyways, today has been a really long day. We started a study for one of our classes and I don't think I have ever spent that much time with classmates in my life! Good thing my partners are friends as well  I hope we don't shank each other come day 3 of this 7 day study.

Today was sweet because I had my hearing tested during a lab we had for my Audiology class. It was also a change to take pictures in the Audio Booth, but a really cool change.  Then to actually get my hands on the screening machines and to see how well my hearing is was pretty neat too
 ( BTW I'm not even hard of hearing, I can hear -10dB!! I must be superhuman or something :p).

On a fashion note though, it was freezing today (and I shouldn't say that now because when it actually does become 50 below I will be wishing for days like this) so I slipped on my warm boot socks and noticed they were sticking out of the top of my boot. Instead of pulling them down into the boot, I thought, "I'll just pull them up more, they match my shirt anyway."

Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Dress: Target
Leggings: Simply Vera by Vera Wang from Kohls
Socks: unknown
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Boots: Ciao Bella from DSW