...i have a fellow blogging 'soul'...i don't know her that well yet, but i feel our lives, the way we spend our time with our families, is in a similar way...
...she lives in Normandy, France with four teenage children in , i imagine, a lovely way...a lovely life...

...i am not there yet, in terms of teenage day-to-day living- our eldest, is Sharons youngest...& yet it got me to thinking...

...yes more thinking...

...how do we raise our kids to be independent & carefree, wild at times & enthusiastic for life & travel...
...yet keep them grounded & 'on track'?...
...how do we raise children from reliant happy toddlers into wonderful, caring, aware adults...without taking away all their 'rites of passage'?...

...read Sharon's thoughts for yesterday april 11th, in her blog http://myfrenchcountryhome.blogspot.com/

...i know i have friends with big thoughts on raising kids- & perhaps there is a running train of thought no matter what part of the world we are all from...

...as sharon asked- i'm asking -what are your thoughts as parents...as friends of people with children...as aunts?...

...as women, i think we have a very big dual role to play...we are our daughters role models for as long as it lasts {!!} and for our sons, we are the first women they really love...

...it's complicated...life...& thats why at times it's so lovely to just go paint a table, sew a cushion or just hang some bunting...these are our moments, as parents, to just do something that is really nothing...

...if you've thought of leaving a comment...a thought about something...nows the post to do it...

...& leave one on sharons too...as this is food for thought for us all... who love our kids...
