...half term...
... i loooove any holiday that invloves copious amounts of kid time...
...how long does it last?...
...i still remember the first bambinos *first* day of big school...
...it truely feels like it was yesterday...but we are now living *abroad*...
...& she is finishing up at primary school in july...
...starting {omg when did this happen...} high school in september...
...how do you send your first, & soo loved child out into the *bigger* real world...
...without letting on that its taking all your power not to *follow* the school bus...
...she is the one of the most *together*, laid back {she's australian..its almost a birth rite!}, most interesting people i've ever met...why did she go & grow up?...
...i know we all did it to our parents...
grow up i mean...& well you know......g.r.o.w u.p*...
...but, of course, thats different!!...
...very different!!...
...& i actually agree with all her opinions...
...i mean she's lovely...opinionated...clever...& 9 times out of 10 right...
...but i'm still her mother...
...i don't want...nor need...to be her best friend...
...i've always thought...
...that if, in the years to come, she brings her friends home to *hang out* with her family...
... & if, she continues to be with us through *choice*, as she gets older...
... & if we have given her enough support...space & love to choose to be with us all...
...that perhaps we have got something right...
...we *want* her to always be here...& i want her to always *want* to be here...
...we also instill that her siblings are *her special blessing* in life...
...nothing is more important, or more sacred, than her relationship with her brother & sister...
...but she's only 12...
...a lovely australian girl...
...brought up on pavlova & salt water...
...living in the english countryside...
...discovering all that europe offers...
...& somehow i know that she will always be lovely...
...she'll be an aussie angel with a bigger *understanding & love* of the world...
...we love you bear & like many *mums & dads* across the world...
...we are ready to take the next wonderful *step with you...