Water is a source of energy in Feng shui, so make sure you don't have leaks or dripping taps to take that energy away. Always keep your bathroom well ventilated, a 'normal' positive health approach. One of the key aspects is to ensure that the toilet seat is kept closed when it's not being used and never flush the toilet with the seat still up and the energy will be flushed away as well.
Decorate your bathroom in warm colours and try to keep it as natural as possible. This is difficult to do with baths and sinks being made of plastic but you can ease the blockage of energy by using wood, stones or metal in corners as decoration of your choosing. Live plants also help feed the movement of air purity throughout the space.
Use lightweight net curtains or vertical blinds to keep the room well lit as well as private from the outside world. The bathroom is the most difficult of rooms to keep a positive chi moving with barriers such as placement, size and unnatural materials but by taking a few precautionary steps, you can bring a surreal and peaceful feeling to this room.
Image: Feng Shui Bathroom Tip blogspot