Latest News

The Gang Awareness Training Education Program will be coming to New York City in November 2011. If you are interested in a prevention program concentrating on gangs, drugs and youth violence, this is the program to you. The training will be in the Bronx and spacing is extremely limited. For further details follow this link. The GATE Curriculum offers three distinct age groups. GATE Kids - grades K-4, GATE - grades 5-8, and RADICAL - High School. The program curriculum's have been used in education, after school, religious, youth group, probation and clinical settings.

Interested in Hosting a Training?
We are also looking for groups who would like to be host organizations for additional trainings in 2012. The advantages for host agencies is that costs for training are significantly reduced, no travel fees for staff, discounts for holding training and increased collaboration with other prevention/intervention groups your community. If you would be interested in hosting training please contact us by completing the form attached to this link

On site training requirements:
  • Minimum of 20 people required for training.*
  • Training facility that can hold a minumum of 40 people.
  • A desire to have outstanding training.

*The minimum number of training must be met before their is a gaurantee that the training will not be cancelled. Organizations can pool together the 20 minimum with other groups to reach that minimum number required.